2022 ATMI Spring Mini-Conference
April 29, 2022
3:00-4:30 pm EST
Zoom link: https://millersville.zoom.us/j/96238154322
We are excited to present our first virtual Mini-Conference featuring the work of students in Music Technology on Friday, April 29.
Each presentation will be 20 minutes in length and there will be 10 minutes of Q and A following each presentation
Students presenting:
Jeffrey Bruton from University of Victoria, Victoria, BC Canada
Can We Provide Real-time Active Learning for Physically Distanced Students?
Chucky Kim from Teachers College at Columbia University
Laptop as Instrument: Using Sound to Design Compositional Systems
Rolando Reyna from the University of Texas RGV
Max as a Teaching Software Tool
We hope you can join us for this inaugural event. No signup is necessary.
Just log on and support these new researchers!!