2024 ATMI National Conference Call for Proposals

for the

2024 ATMI National Conference
Washington, DC
November 7-9, 2024

Proposal Deadline: CLOSED

PDF Copy of this call available here

Submission Link: Click Here

The ATMI Program Committee invites the submission of proposals for the 2024 National Conference. The concurrent national conferences of ATMI, the College Music Society (CMS), the National Association of College Wind and Percussion Instructors (NACWPI) and Pi Kappa Lambda (PKL) will be held November 7-9, 2024, in Washington, D.C. For more information about the conference and venue, visit the CMS conference page.

Proposals dealing with any aspect of technology in music instruction, creation, and performance are welcome. The Association is particularly interested in presentations that focus on:

Music technology curricular and programmatic interests
Online music instruction
Multimedia technologies in music instruction
Creative pedagogies/technological tools: music learning, composition, etc.
Composition/performances incorporating music technology
Performance technology, including the development or implementation of new and custom interfaces for expressive performance
The application of immersive technologies such as augmented/virtual reality and video game technologies to music instruction and performance
The promotion of equity and opportunity through or in the field of music technology
Research on the effectiveness of music technology
Student-created projects involving music technology

Submissions Guidelines

Please read this document before submitting a proposal. Instructions are on the last page.

Individuals are encouraged to circulate this information to any persons they believe would be interested in submitting a proposal by the announced deadline. You can point to this page or the 2024 ATMI National Convention page.

The program committee strongly encourages student participation and members of underrepresented groups. Please share this call with anyone engaged in relevant activities.

Journal of the Association for Technology in Music Instruction proceedings issue

The Journal of the Association for Technology in Music Instruction (JATMI) is pleased to announce that papers accepted for the ATMI National Conference will be published in a proceedings issue of the journal. Once your paper is accepted you will receive more information on the process of submitting the paper.

Presentation Formats


Scholarly research related to music technology and the areas listed above. Papers are allotted 25 minutes (20-minute talk, 5 minutes for questions).


Demonstrations can focus on software, hardware, techniques, etc. from all aspects of the music curriculum. Demonstrations are allotted 25 minutes (20-minute talk, 5 minutes for questions).


We welcome performances featuring technology. A proposal may be initiated by a performer or composer. Composer and performers will be asked to provide score and/or an A/V file for review. Performance submissions may include the demonstration of instrument or technique (lecture-recital format). Composition/Performance proposals can be for a standalone 25-minute program, a single 25- minute demo/performance, or for a “showcase” format (up to 10 minutes to be included as part of a larger program). Composers may submit fixed-media pieces. At this time, we can only support stereo performances. ATMI cannot provide performers.

Panel Discussions

Multiple members can propose a topic for panel discussion. The members of the panel should offer areas of expertise that make unique contributions to the discussion topic. Panel discussions are allotted 55 minutes.

Workshops/Training Sessions

People looking for practical ways to expand their skills often attend ATMI sessions. The program committee would like to serve this constituency by offering training sessions tailored to attendees with novice and intermediate skill levels. Workshops differ from demonstrations in that they are interactive. It is unlikely that a computer lab will be provided. Presenters should include in the presentation what technology attendees should have to be able to participate. Workshops can involve a limited number of hardware items supplied by the presenter and can involve software and/or tablet apps that attendees can install on their devices. (Please include specifics in the proposal form). Workshops are allotted 55 minutes.

Poster Presentations

Scholarly posters are ideal for the presentation of an idea or project through an interactive ePoster. Time will be scheduled during the conference for ePoster presenters to interact with attendees regarding their research.

Authors must exclude references to individuals or institutions within the proposal description and abstract that might compromise this process. Prior to submission to the Program committee, proposals may be edited by the program chair to facilitate the blind review process.

Normal Conference Equipment

Presentation rooms include a projector, microphone, and audio and video connections for the presenter’s computer. Additional specifications can be indicated on the proposal form.

Internet-based presentations should be designed to run locally (i.e., without actual connection to the internet) due to the unpredictability of conference facility infrastructure. If an actual connection is essential to your proposal, this can be indicated on the proposal form.

Important Information

All submissions must be anonymous.  Author/composer/collaborator name(s) must not appear on abstracts, scores, or other submitted materials

If the program must be moved from an in-person venue to an online location for any reason, the program committee reserves the right to request that presenters alter the duration and structure of their presentations to better accommodate the virtual format.

Prior to submission, proposers must communicate with all co-presenters regarding their interest and availability. Proposals not listing all participants will be deemed incomplete and will not be considered.

All people whose work is selected for inclusion on the program are expected to register for and attend the full conference. If the proposal is accepted, proposers will be asked to communicate with all participants in the presentation to ensure their registration by early Summer 2024. At its discretion, the program committee may exempt from the membership and registration fee requirements specific individuals, such as invited speakers or guest panelists who are not music professionals. It is the responsibility of the individual who submits the proposal to, upon acceptance, make conference planners aware of all non-music professionals involved in their presentation and to request such an exemption. Following the acceptance of a proposal, the program committee will consider change requests on a case-by-case basis.

Proposers agree to present on any day of the conference should their proposal be accepted.

ATMI does not fund travel expenses of accepted presenters.

Proposers must submit their own work and may not submit proposals on behalf of their students or others.

Proposals of a strictly commercial nature that promote products or services are normally not considered. CMS offers opportunities for vendors to interact with conference attendees.


The primary proposer must be a current member of ATMI. Those interested in submitting a proposal should check their membership status well in advance of the submission deadline. Please note the processing time for membership applications and/or renewals is 1–2 business days.

It is not necessary for co-presenters to be current members at the time of submission; however, if invited to the program, every person involved in the presentation must join ATMI.

Proposal Submission and Participation Policy

Each member is limited to two submissions to all calls for this conference.

If a member submits more than one proposal to the conference, each submission should be unique and content may not be duplicated, either in response to this call or any other calls for this conference, including proposals submitted to CMS, NACWPI or PKL.

Each member may be added by others as a co-presenter (e.g., panelist or accompanist) to a maximum of two proposals.

The maximum number of presentations in which a member may be involved on the conference program is two. If more than two proposals involving the same member are accepted – regardless of whether the member submitted the proposal or was added another member’s proposal – the individual in question must choose in which two presentations s/he will participate.

Submission Format

Submit proposals online at this link. You will need the following information to complete the online form:

Presentation title
Presentation format (select from paper, demonstration, panel, performance, workshop)
Intended audience
Special setup needs
Description of the presentation (for program committee use only)
Abstract for program (250-word limit)
Presenter information and biography for each presenter (250-word biography for program and 50- word biography for introduction)
Specific information for performance and panel presentations
For workshop proposals: listing of devices and applications audience members can bring to participate fully
For performance proposals: instrumentation, repertoire, duration, special equipment needs, ensemble biography (250-word limit)
For composition proposals: upload of score and/or recording
For panel proposals: list panel participants and institutional affiliations


The proposal deadline is January 5, 2024. Proposal receipt will be acknowledged by return e-mail. Notifications of acceptance will go out mid-to-late March 2024.

NOTE: Presenters must be fully paid members of ATMI at least one month prior to the conference. All presenters are required to register for the conference and update their ATMI membership by the published deadline in June 2024. Questions about the proposal process or individuals experiencing difficulties submitting the proposal should send an email to the program committee chair, Jason Fick at jason.fick@oregonstate.edu

JATMI proceedings instructions:

Papers presented at the 2024 ATMI National Convention (November 7-9, 2024, Washington, D.C.) are automatically accepted for a proceedings issue of JATMI.

To submit your paper:

  • Format your paper following the JATMI guidelines for submission including the length of the paper and the removal of identifying information so it can be reviewed.
  • If the paper would benefit from having any kind of video included with the paper (e.g., demonstration of a product or teaching), contact the editors for guidance on formatting the video portion of the submission.
  • Submit your paper though the JATMI website: https://trace.tennessee.edu/jatmi/ 
  • Papers for the proceedings should be submitted to JATMI by December 1, 2024.
  • The submitted paper will be sent to reviewers for editorial comments.
  • Once editing is completed, the paper will proceed to the editors for formatting and publication in JATMI.